Friday, November 18, 2005

Shanghai’s Influx of American Celebrity

Tiffany- Nov. 18, 2005

It looks like Zach and I aren’t the only Americans that have figured out that Shanghai is the place to be! The month of November has brought a mix of famous Americans to our little city.

Tiger Woods made his professional Chinese debut last week by playing in the HSBC Champions Tournament in Shanghai. Apparently, Shanghai doesn't agree with him, as Tiger took second place to British player David Howell.

Where in the world is Matt Lauer? According to all the emails I got from friends, apparently he was in Shanghai this week! But since Zach and I have not broken down and gotten satellite TV yet, our programming is limited to bad Chinese soap operas and Chinese versions of 'American Idol'. Thank goodness for the plethora of pirated American movies and TV Series available on the street!

The Shanghai Tennis Master’s Cup is going on this week, and since the only tennis players I know tend to be the ones that date actresses (think Andre Agassi and Andy Roddick), none of the names really ring a bell. But my tennis-fanatic friend, Vanessa, informed me that these chest-bumping guys, aka the Bryan brothers, are a pretty big deal.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Schriver visited Shanghai this week to discuss the possibility of increased importation of California goods (we're selfishly hoping he pushed Peet's coffee and Jamba Juice) and to host a private screening of the new Harry Potter film.

George Bush also has a China stop on his current Asia tour, but he'll be visiting Beijing this time around. And rumor has it; Tom Cruise is also Shanghai-bound to film the climax of Mission Impossible 3 in our city in the coming weeks. I’ll have to see if they need any tall, blonde extras!

While you’d think these people might be easier to spot since they don't look like the average Shanghainese person, you’d be surprised how 19M people can get in the way of figuring out where the stars are this week, let alone getting up close and personal to them. Fortunately, Zach and I aren’t really that into golf, tennis, or politics so weren’t too disappointed to miss these familiar faces. Although we were VERY disappointed to miss the screening of the new Harry Potter film!

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