Sunday, November 27, 2005

Happy Fire Chicken Day!

Zach- November 27, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Somehow, Tiffany and I managed to scrounge up some real, American Thanksgiving food for ourselves. Actually, it was our friend Brian’s parents to the rescue; they were in town visiting and treated a large group of us to dinner at Malone’s, an American bar and restaurant. Amazingly, we were treated to a gastronomic feast! For the fourteen of us, we were served two turkeys, an enormous ham, mashed potatoes, candied yams, peas and carrots, stuffing and more. And to top it all off, pumpkin pie!! While it wasn’t homemade food, just the fact that we were in China eating turkey and gravy made this one of the best tasting Thanksgiving dinners ever!

Absence truly makes the heart grow fonder. And absence not just in the physical sense, but also an absence of 1) people who we know and who know us, and 2) people who we can actually communicate with!

So this Thanksgiving season we are extra appreciative of all of our wonderful friends and family who we miss very much this holiday season. Thank you all for your amazing support and kindness over these past few months as we have begun adapting to our new lives here on the other side of the globe! The email responses, phone calls and care packages have kept us going, both emotionally and physically, and remind us just how invaluable you are to us.

It has been an incredible adventure so far, and it has been our pleasure (and catharsis!) to detail our foibles via this blog. Our future is a blank canvas, and the only certainties are that it will be exciting, crazy Chinese people will be involved, and all of it will be documented for you to share with us!

We continue to celebrate our good fortune at having you in our lives. You are always in our hearts and thoughts, and we wish you all peace and happiness.

Lots of love and virtual hugs,
Zach and Tiffany

p.s. Turkey in Chinese is "huo ji" or "fire chicken", so named because of the turkey's fire-like red wattle.

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