Friday, November 18, 2005

Shanghai v. the French countryside

Tiffany- Nov. 18, 2005

While our life in Shanghai is filled with lots of excitement,it's also filled with lots of other things, like people and noise! So we can't help but be a little envious of our friends, Anne and Michael, who have started an international adventure of their own in the gorgeous french countryside on our neighboring continent!

Anne and Michael have decided to move to St. Amour, France and try their hand at chateau management. It does make us happy to know that there are other people out there that agree that an international relocation is a great way to spend your first year of marriage. They're also posting a blog of their adventures and challenges as expats (stories that might sound slightly familiar if you've been keeping up with our blog), as well as some gorgeous pictures of the property.

So if you're interested in hearing about 'Newlyweds: France' or just looking for a fantastic french place to 'holiday', be sure to check out their site at:
for their blog and lots of fun pictures!

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