Sunday, October 02, 2005

Tacos and Salsa and Chips, Oh My!

Sept. 29, 2005 Tiffany
My co-workers and I went out for Mexican food last night. Most of them had never tried Mexican food before, or even heard of most of the dishes. After explaining what tacos and quesadillas tasted like, I finally convinced the girls to try them. They liked both so much, we ended up getting 2 more platters of each. I've never seen Chinese people take to Mexican food so quickly! Posted by Picasa

Belinda loves her quesadillas! Along with tacos and quesadillas, Brian and I gave lessons on the meanings of pinatas, guacamole, and chile rellenos (another crowd pleasing dish). While Shanghai is filled with a variety of different ethnic foods, mexican restaurants are very rare. Posted by Picasa

Effie was hesitant to try her first margarita, but she took it down like a champ!

The girls wanted something with lots of vegetables after all the platters of tacos and quesadillas. Needless to say, the Chinese version of taco salad doesn't include much lettuce.....but they loved it anyway!

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