Saturday, October 01, 2005

Care Package Extravaganza!

Sep 27 - Presents!!! Tiffany unwrapped a huge care package from my sister Lisa and out of sheer enjoyment had to fight an overwhelming urge to roll around these blessed, easily-identifiable and familiar snacks like a pig in the mud!!!! THANK YOU!!! I highly recommend sending us care packages here in Shanghai. I guarantee it will be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience. (And you might even enjoy it as well ;) Posted by Picasa

Sep 27 - Here I am coveting the Crunch & Munch and Peet's coffee that Lisa sent. Even as I type, I'm chewing on some of her beef jerky, envisioning the feast I will have tonight: Kettle Chips, followed by Cup of Noodles and finished off with Crunch n' Munch!! Bliss is me :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of snacks would you like? Probably can't send tortillas or jack cheese, but if you want something else Mexican, I probably can do it, like taco mix or chile powder, chicharrones, etc.
Also, check your email Zach and I send you one about an Internet laugh contest. I'm on it for week 3, but may be off by now. You guys and any US or Canadian citizens can enter. Let me know if there any Mexican, Middle Eastern, Indian, or whatever snacks. Is there anything that's not allowed into China?