Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Spit Happens......

Tiffany- October 12, 2005

One of the most common sounds heard on the streets of Shanghai is the sound of someone preparing to spit. You’ll be minding your own business walking down the street, when, out of nowhere, you’ll hear the distinct sound of someone ‘hocking a loogey’. I’ve learned from experience, when you hear this sound, you better get out of the way quickly, as the source of the sound has no regards for the people in close proximity. It definitely makes walking around with your I-pod risky, as it could cause you to miss the verbal warning. Spit dodging is not only necessary on sidewalks, but also in cabs. Drivers tend to be quite fond of ridding themselves of saliva, especially when both the front and back windows are open and the car is moving at a good speed. I’ve dubbed the seat behind the driver the ‘spit seat’, and always make sure the window is closed if I happen to be unlucky enough to end up there. I’ve done some research on the situation, and apparently, the Chinese feel it is healthy to spit, as it releases toxins from the body. So the lesson of the day is: when in China, if you hear someone start to spit, RUN!

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